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Personal Injury 

No-fault Medical Fee Litigation 


Health Law 

Corporate & Partnership law 

Corporate Litigation 

Debt Collections

Practice Areas 


More on Practice Areas

Personal Injury/Insurance Claims


    In all cases, where there are injuries, you are entitled to have your medical expenses and lost wages covered by No-fault Insurance.  An application for no-fault benefits must be processed within 30 days after the date of the accident.  If not the carrier does not have to provide coverage.


   We like to get involved at the start of your case to preserve all of your rights and the evidence. It is essential that this evidence be secured before it is lost.  In all personal injury cases, you are entitled to recover damages for your pain and suffering, disability, permanent disfigurement, scarring, wrongful death, loss of services, dismemberment and any other type of general damage. You are also entitled to recover special damages which are past, present and future medical bills, wage loss, loss of earnings potential, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Your attorney must properly prepare your case and determine the value of these damages. This usually takes place at the point when your medical condition stabilizes, which means you will not get any better or worse.  Your attorney should speak to your doctors and obtain reports regarding your prognosis. Your attorney will put together a settlement package to attempt settlement of your case. 


   If your case does not settle, a lawsuit is filed and you proceed to trial. Often an insurance company will not pay what you deserve until your case is close to trial. Insurance companies know which attorneys take cases to trial and which attorneys settle cases. Those attorneys who prepare a case for trial will likely recover more money than a settlement lawyer. All attorneys try to settle cases, but if cases do not settle in a reasonable period of time, a suit must be filed and prepared for trial.


   While our office does not directly handle medical malpractice or product liability, we have relationships with leading firms in this area that provide such services.



Corporate and Partnership Law

Our office has extensive experience in corporate and partnership law. Our representation includes:


    Formation of corporations and partnerships

   Shareholder and Partnership Agreements 

   Business counseling 



Health Law

Our representation of health care providers includes:


  No-fault Litigation for Medical Fees not paid by the No-fault Carriers 

   Investigations by Carriers

    General business representation 

    Employment Agreements



Medical Related Facilities we Assist

Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Board Certified Neurologists
General surgeons
MRI facilities
Multi-specialty practices Neurologists
Office-Based Surgery Centers
Orthopedic Surgeons
Pain management physicians
Physical, Medical, and Rehabilitation Specialists
Physical Therapists





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